Beyondors Alumni Comments

Scott Shanbron
Had a wonderful week in Vancouver with the Beyondors in 1997, and played at Tempe several years ago on a half Bay Area/half S.B. team "Jo Condor" that made it to semis; have played with many Condors on various teams and at various tourneys; love many of the folks I've met from S.B. - even have a current housemate who's a former Burning Skirt! - and I hope I have further opportunities to play with Condors and Beyondors in the future! I did my 25th ultimate reunion last summer in Ithaca, NY with the Buds. I know Jason, et al are going to have a blast (esp. TK, whose Cornell counterpart Jon Cohen (JC) was noticeably choked up at times looking out at his progeny).